19 September, 2011

Sherlock Holmes

     I have recently finished reading A Study in Scarlet, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, all by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  I enjoyed all of them immensely, and am looking forward to reading the other two Sherlock Holmes books, The Sign of the Four and The Return of Sherlock Holmes as soon as I can find copies of said two books. 
     Sherlock Holmes is one of the most well-know fictional detectives of all time, yet it is not many, I believe, who have actually read the books about this wonderful character.  I find this rather surprising.  After all, who doesn't like a good mystery?  And the Sherlock Holmes books are, in my mind at least, more than simply good.  They are brilliant.  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had an incredible talent for creating entertaning yet plausible mysteries.  With that said, I will go on to describe the books.
     In A Study in Scarlet, we meet Dr. Watson (the narrator) and Mr. Sherlock Holmes, and learn the circumstances which brought them together.  Then Inspector Gregson, of Scotland Yard, asks Sherlock Holmes for help in a difficult case he has been assigned to, and the adventure begins.  It is a tale of revenge, justice, and brilliance on the part of Holmes.
     The Hound of the Baskervilles is my favorite Sherlock Holmes book.  It is an intricate mystery, concerning a family legend, a grasping heir, and an escaped convict.  For a good part of the book, Holmes is not present, but Watson is an equally appealing character, and the story is an excelent one.  I highly reccomend this book.
      Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes are also very entertaining.  Both are collections of short stories about Holmes, and each story is more enjoyable than the next.  If I had to pick favorites, however, I would probably pick The Man with the Twisted Lip as my favorite story in Adventures, and The Crooked Man in Memoirs.  However, I enjoy all of the stories in both books.
     All in all, I have thoroughly enjoyed these books, and I think that one is missing out on some of the best mystery stories ever published if one does not take the time to read them.  So... find copies of all of the Sherlock Holmes books, curl up in your favorite chair, and get ready for a literary treat!